My friends, as you know, are terrific. I got to eat with them last night and they were all great. I was in charge of dessert and martinis. As you can guess, I picked fruit. I made fruits with whipped cream. It was good. I was worried, though. I wanted mangos and pineapple and bananas. But when I went to look, all I could find was some rock hard mangos, and then a couple of way-past-their prime mangos. So, the mangos were going to be iffy, I knew, and I had to prepare myself for the possibility of just serving my friends pineapples and bananas. This was fine, I told myself, they will still care for me, and it was and they did and they do.
As you can see, I've really got not too much to say that's interesting about my life except for the food I eat, and the tension and drama that surrounds it. Also, those way-past-their-prime mangos turned out to be way-past-their-prime avocados.
*sigh* I guess...