Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ray Halliday: Heiny of a Piney!

I think this is P#11. I promise to eat it by cutting it and eating it. No juicing-wastefulness.

I've never had, or seen wild rice! It was ridiculous. I was terrified. Alone in my little apartment with weird, unrecognizable rice. I called the anti-terrorism squad who helped me identify it as okay, or Canadian rice. They thanked me for my continued patriotism and told me that I could not be too careful with an unfamiliar food. They told me to use less water next time.

47 years old. Where have I been? What have I been doing? The answer is nowhere and nothing. No experiences at all.


  1. You clearly have not had Eberle cooking for you.

  2. Canadian rice? I think not! I cannot believe you have never had wild rice? Weirdo! :) xoxo

  3. From Wikipedia: Wild rice (also called Canada rice, Indian rice, and water oats) is four species of grasses forming the genus Zizania, and the grain which can be harvested from them.

  4. Haha scared of wild rice.

    You should give Goose Valley Wild Rice a try, it's harmless and actually really good for you :)

    Check it out -
